Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Check out our new "Cast" and "Photo Gallery" pages!

Despite Hurricane Sandy, Great Expectations is still going strong.  We're back in rehearsal on Friday evening and looking forward to two wonderful performances!

About our Kickstarter campaign: We have 8 days left to raise $3,050.  It's a hefty goal, but we know that we can do it with your help!  Here are a few ways that we can get to our goal:

204 pledges @ $15
122 pledges @ $25
61 pledges @ $50

To look at it differently, that's just under $400 per day.

A few things to remember:

* Minimum pledge is just $1, and every dollar counts!

* If we don't make our funding goal by our deadline, we won't get any of your pledged support.

* There are many different incentives available depending on your pledge amount.  Your name will be listed in the program for a pledge of $15.  Those of you who are in the NYC area (and perhaps craving a night out for relief of hurricane-induced cabin fever) might be interested in the $50 pledge level, which includes a free ticket to the performance of your choice.  Out of Towners and those unable to attend: consider the $75 level, which will get you a high-quality audio CD of the performance!

* Whether you can give or not, please forward the link to your family, your neighbors, your dentists, your pet gerbils... okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea.  The more people who know about this, the better!!

There is just one thing left to say:

Thank you!!!

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